191_M.BIN : One CPU boots at the L6 multiplier, and one boots at
the L3 multiplier. This funky configuration causes Windows to have a few
concerns, ie: it doesn't boot unless in safe mode. Also, CPUMSR and
CrystalCPUID do not want to set the multiplier, despite it being reported
through CPUID as being available.
191_MF.BIN : Both CPUs are set to the L3 multiplier, and Windows
boots successfully. Multiplier changes through CrystalCPUID and CPUMSR
function correctly, though some programs seem a little confused as to the
actual speed of the CPU. Some lockups encountered when running intensive
programs after changing from 6x to 10x multipliers, so possibly not totally
stable yet.
191_MFK.BIN : It doesn't trash the BIOS, but it also doesn't always
apply the patches. Rebooting using the reset button results in the patches
not being applied, and they are only sometimes applied when doing a power
off, power on reboot. Also, there are possibly some issues with not
recognising the 2nd CPU. All in all, not recommended yet.
191_MFKS.BIN, 191_MK.BIN, 191_MKS.BIN : These
have been tested with version 0.08, and did not destroy the BIOS. However,
they have not been tested for version 0.09, and as such should be treated
with caution (despite no changes being made to the keyboard or SBU code).
Keyboard control keys:
numpad-minus : Don't apply patches. Tested and working in
escape : Force reflash (make the BIOS think there's a checksum error
in the BIOS. Tested and broken in 0.08's,
unchecked (but also unmodified) in 0.09's.
c : Activate SBU. Completely untested
except for simulations (where it works, of course).
Meaning of the file names:
M : The basic mobile CPU patch. This enables any CPU to be used in
SMP mode, regardless of whether it reports as SMP capable (4th L5) or if
it's a mobile CPU (3rd L5).
F : This signifies that the FID-setting code in the stock BIOS is
overwritten. In what way depends on the build settings of the BIOS. Either
it boots up off the L6, boots up off the L3, or boots up to a specific
multiplier. There is currently no option to make it boot up off the BIOS
setting. Note that due to quirks of the bootup process, it's seems that
F is required, and it must be booting off the L3 (not L6 or any fixed
multiplier). This is to be investigated further.
K : Keyboard control. Allows you to do things during the boot
process if something isn't working quite right.